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eVirtualAcademy provides solutions for students who are looking for an alternative educational setting, or whose needs can't be met by traditional schooling. Unparalleled flexibility is the key to our success. From struggling students to gifted learners; for families who choose home-schooling, or roam-schooling; for athletes who train for competition, and performers with schedule conflicts, we're available online 24/7 to accommodate even the most demanding requirements. We can even develop programs for blended learning environments combining the best of what traditional schools can offer with self-paced interactive online learning.

My goal is to play professional tennis someday. Online learning allows me to keep up with my studies while I travel with the tennis team.  Plus, I really enjoy the courses I'm taking.  It's the perfect program for me. 

We turn problems into solutions!

We Can Help...


Struggling Students - We can help students who have fallen behind or take longer to grasp concepts in a variety of ways. Through our initial assessments, the system determines if a student has any learning gaps and can pull lessons from lower grade level material to create a custom learning path targeted at remediation. Lessons can be repeated and reviewed as often as necessary and can continue throughout the summer, if desired, to help the student get back on pace. 


AD/HD, ASD & Learning Disabilities - An interactive curriculum with immediate feedback on performance can really make a difference to a student with learning dificulties. Short lessons and engaging content helps the student stay focused and on task, and breaks can be taken when necessary to alleviate fatigue. Since all work is completed online, there's no homework to deal with at the end of the school day. In addition,  Cognitive Cross-Training can be infused into the curriculum to help correct the underlying neurological deficits that often undermine academic performance.


Advanced & Gifted Learners - We can address the special needs of advanced and gifted learners with a combination of course acceleration and challenging enrichment opportunities through our differentiated learning profiler. We can even design a program for twice exceptional students who are gifted and learning disabled. Supplemental high school level Advance Placement Courses are available to all of our students no mater what their age.      


Home-Schoolers & Roam-Schoolers - Whether your student is being schooled at home or you're taking it on the road, with an internet connection, you can educate virtually anywhere...in fact, that's our motto. This is ideal for military families or those who like to travel. Pack the kids and the dog in the RV and leave the books behind!


Athletes & Performers - For athletes who rigorously train for competition, or rising movie stars, online education can be incorporated into  the most demanding scheduling routines and mastered with ease. Simply pick up where you left off, day or night.


Blended Learning Environments - A blended curriculum, which typically combines traditional school with online learning, might be the ultimate solution for students who are big on extracurricular activities, participate in school band or play on the football team, but want the convenience and flexibility of an online program.


Alternative Education - Every student is unique, with individual preferences, learning styles, and abilities. Our goal is to capitalize on each student's strengths, and provide assistance in areas of need.


We provide a custom online curriculum for grades K-12 with a blend of interactive  hands-on learning and off-line activities that inspire students to advance and learn at their own pace.

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